

I love my job.  I love creating queries, digging into a pile of data and making sense out of it.  I was born to be a Data Analyst and it shows in all aspects of my life – from my personal mileage/gas tracking database to my license plate that simply states Data Grl, you pretty much know the first love of my life.

This can be both a blessing and a curse.  I take my job very seriously.  I take my skill set very seriously.  I have a tendency to take too long before I can bring myself to ask for help and I have a tendency to be more than slightly irrated whenever I work with a Data Analyst/Report Write who doesn’t seem to care about Data as much as I do.

I’m working on building a new report that expands an older reporter. I’m looking through the code of left joins and unnecessary joins and poorly written SQL and I wonder, How could anyone write this and call themselves a Data Analyst?  This is a hack job.

Am I alone? Anyone else have difficulties working with other people’s code?  I’d really love to know if I am completely alone in this or are there others?

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